
Do bathrooms in Ireland Hotels have locks on them?

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Do Bathrooms in Ireland hotels have locks on them?




  1. Yes to keep out people like you!

  2. yeah

  3. you must stay in some bad hotels if the rooms dont have private bathrooms.

  4. yeah, some even have armed security guards outside them too, and german shepherds to patrol the wash hand basins hahahahahaha

  5. Of course they do. Even in cheap bed and breakfasts they have locks on their en suites.

    Have you been going to dodgy hotels?

  6. at least all the hotels I've stayed in had locks :D

  7. h**l no, hotels dont even have toilets in Ireland!

  8. They might, if they had doors.

  9. Bathroom? What's a bathroom? You mean the hole, out there in the field? Faith and begorrah! Why would you need a lock on a field? Who would steal it? You must be one of those yanks with yer high-falutin ideas and yer fancy electricity. Locks on field, eh? What will they think of next?

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