
Do batteries kept in the fridge last longer?

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Do batteries kept in the fridge last longer?




  1. I do remember that my parents stored new batteries in the freezer when I was a child.

    I honestly have _NO_ scientific proof this causes them to last longer though!

    Do _something_ to benefit the ENVIRONMENT and your WALLET! Invest in rechargeable batteries! A lil more expensive in the beginning but well worth it in the long run!!

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    T H E  B E A T L E S!

    "H A W K E Y E!"

    Vincent Reagan



  2. uhmmmm... technically they should as the chemical reaction will slow down ... but that also means they should work at less power too.....

    *looks very cinfused*

  3. thats what my dad has always told me lol

    but i use rechargable batteries anyways so i never have to buy more yay

  4. I don`t think it works in my opinion.What do you need batteries for Babe ! lol

  5. I've never heard of doing that

  6. I think they do i have heard something like that before. So yeah i think so

  7. i guess

  8. The storage instructions on a typical package of household alkaline batteries usually advise consumers to store them in a cool, dry space. This advice is generally meant to discourage the storage of batteries in hot, humid places such as kitchen drawers or glove compartments. One popular rumor about the storage of batteries suggests keeping them in a refrigerator or even a freezer to extend their shelf life. Modern science has weighed in on this rumor, and the final answer depends on what type of batteries are involved and the definition of "extended shelf life". For the most part, many experts say, the practice of storing batteries in a refrigerator creates more problems than it solves.

  9. Uhhhhh no cant say that I have :)

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