
Do bearded dragons need rep cal calcium and herpetive?

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i am a little worried about how ive been feeding my baby beardie. I have calcium powder but do i need the multivitamins too. how often do i dust the food. plz help!!




  1. i use the multi vit and the pure calci powder. in the morning i dust the crickets with both i just mix it in a dish and do the shake and bake method. your uvb has a lot to do with calcium also. the best light to use is the reptisun 10 tube. not the coil. its a lot cheaper online too, i paid 20 and in the stores ive seen it for 50!! good luck

  2. A young bearded dragon should be fed small portions, three times a day, but only one feeding should be dusted. The mutivitamins are good for him, but probably aren't necessary. I don't know anyone who uses them, and their beardies are fine.

  3. i would dust his food with it every other day with calcium and vitamins/minerals.

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