
Do bees have the right to a free life and do you think its right to murder bees that wont hurt us unhumanely?

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my teacher was suffocating a bee to death so i smacked the cup over to let it out murderers (i mean the teacher)




  1. All animals should have the right to a free life as humans should-as we all have feelings. It is wrong to murder bee's but as they can't scream, people never realise how horrible it is for them. Gits

  2. u know wht


  3. I love bees, I often find myself talking to them when they encroach on where I am asking them to go home and for some reason they always respond ! However wasps, different story, can't understand why they are here and will often go on the offensive when they are about.

  4. Only humans have rights.  One of those rights is to own property.  When an animal becomes domesticated or is used to make a person money it becomes property.  Then the animal has certain limited right as defined as property.  

    Murder is what humans do to humans.  It is NOT murder to kill an animal, therefore not inhumane.  You need to be mature about these kinda things and not let your emotions get the better of your common sense.  You do NOT have the right to force people to be like you.  You want to save bees, go right ahead, but don't interfere with other people.

    unhumanely is not a word, the correct word is inhumanely

  5. Please go back to your teacher and ask her to teach you English, your grammar is rubbish.

  6. Bees are wonderful creatures and have a few very important tasks in nature. Under normal circumstanses they don't hurt anyone and they don't sting.

    Killing bees is a very bad thing, unless you are in immediate danger (like having a sting allergy or a bee is up your pants).

  7. 1. Yes I think its okay to kill bees.

    2. I think your statement that bees wont hurt us is false.  There are many swarms of africanized honey bees that actually do kill us.  We are unable to distinguish between normal and africanized bees, so we must treat them all like killer bees.  

    Yes, I think humans are more important.

    Before you go crying for animal rights, just think.  Would you choose a bee, or your baby boy?  I'd choose a baby in a second.  

    I usually laugh at the animal rights activists, that preach about not harming animals, and then they use pesticides to kill cockroaches and ants in their house.  Its a huge double standard that animals have unlimited rights, but not if they infringe upon their home.  

    What would you do if you found 50 stray dogs on your porch, and they were rabid and looking to bite you?  Would you feed them, try and pet them.... or would you throw rocks at them and run them off.  A true animal rights activist would surely view a dog as important as a human.  Which is why i find the whole animal rights issue as a big joke.

    Humans are number one, by design, or by evolution.  Either way, we deserve to be at the top of the food chain, and we deserve to be able to protect ourselves while at the top.

    No!! don't kill the has rights, LOL

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