
Do believe Paul Burrel?

by  |  earlier

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When he said that Princess Diana confides in him, and lets in on her secrets and plans

I can see myself he just a butler and she is a member of the royal family




  1. He makes his living s******g over the memeory of a woman he says he loved. Well Mr Burrell, you have shown zero respect to the princess since her death, go crawl back under the rock you crawled out from. i have nothing but disgust for this man.

  2. she probably did confide in him,  after all, he worked for her, he was a captive audience and he comes across as a very 'gushing' type of man who would have always massaged her inflated ego at every opportunity.  She liked being in the limelight and here was a man content to let her have the spotlight.

    She probably used him, told him things she said were 'secret' knowing full well at some point he would spill the beans and she could manipulate the situation to her own advantage.

  3. I know he portrayed his self as a sissy on i'm a celebrity for P.R reasons.

  4. I think he probably was an important part of her life but the fact that he is now spilling all her secrets shows exactly the type of person he is. Totally disloyal & lacking in class..

  5. money is the root of all evil and i believe most people  would sell what they knew,  for the 'right' price.

    sadly, mr. burrel  has betrayed a trust for 30 pieces of silver, and......................hmmm.............. reminds me of another story.......................hmmm!

  6. Anybody that goes on 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here' I could never take serious anyway. Maybe it is only a reality TV show, but a person like Paul Burrel wanting to take part defies belief. I reckon he has something to hide alright, and as it has already been mentioned, he has close connections with the Royal family.

  7. He was just another toady, Kissing her a s s  when required

  8. No he just likes to think that he was more important than he actually was.

  9. i think that only the people involved in the crash know what happened. he wasn't there so he dosnt know what really happened.

  10. No,I don't believe him.He is attention seeking.

  11. Is there a new book on the way?

  12. Whilst she was alive he seemed to be  a faithful and loyal servant, after her death he did keep a dignified silence until The Royal Family tried to S**t on him, then he lost his loyalty to the lot of them, It seems to me that he now he hasn't got the role of toadying loyal flunky he is lost  and is now addicted to his fame and it was embarrassing to see him being shown up in court for the attention /publicity seeking man he has become

  13. It says a lot about Diana that she had to rely on the adoration of a butler to worship at her shrine, and the idiotic soothsayers who surrounded her.

    She never seemed to keep friends for very long and seems to have fallen out with her entire family.  Not a really nice person at all I think.

    Her ultimate indiscretion was her relationship with the Fayed family, which finally sealed her fate.

  14. I do remember when she was alive it was widely reported that she confided in him. And she did call him her 'rock'.

    I would also like to say in his defence, that he never once spoke about her after her death. He kept a low profile and was admirable in his silence.

    However, when they took him to court for theft, he changed.

    And I can't say I blame him.

  15. diana was a freak and would tell anyone/everyone her life's woe's at the drop of a hat, she probably did tell burrel everything. they all seem to be lying toads on both sides and these freaks are supposed to be the elite of our country. the only person i thought spoke the whole truth was di's mother when said she was a stupid w***e.

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