
Do bell pepper plants always wilt in the heat?

by Guest66468  |  earlier

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They seem to wilt more than my other vegetable plants. Does it cause lasting damage? What can I do to stop it?




  1. They love the sun...........But they are like me.......just love to drink.............oh ya...........water that is...........enjoy.

  2. When the temp is in the high ninety's a bell pepper plant can wilt no matter how much water you give it.  They always seem to come back but you can prop up some cardboard to provide a little shade for them during the hot part of the afternoon.

  3. yep...water more often and plant them in semi sun vs full sun

  4. All plants will wilt when exposed to too much direct sun.  Peppers tend to get moody when they're in 90F heat and hotter for too long.

    I keep mine in partial shade in the late afternoon and keep the soil well-mulched and moist.  I can always tell when the soil dries out:  the plants wilt.

  5. They need more water. When you bite into a bell pepper, have you noticed all the water?

  6. They usually wilt due to a watering need.  They must not be getting enough water.  Try watering them specially, and in an hour, they should not be so wilted.  If they still are wilted, then I guess it is not the water.  But it usually works for me.

  7. water them more (if they're dry). maybe you're overwatering them as well?

  8. Put it in more shade and fertilize more often. Check to see if there are any insects or fungus.

    If you have used the soil for a long time change it out.

    All else fails.....

    Buy new tomatoes and try it again.

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