
Do bettas die from fin rot?

by Guest33161  |  earlier

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My betta has fin rot I think and I dont have any medicine right now what do I do?




  1. Fin rot itself is rarely fatal, as it is just the fins deteriorating, but once the infection reaches the fish's body (the actual flesh), it can lead to open wounds which quickly become infected by the same bacteria, which then cause a systemic blood infection.  The same bacterium responsible for fin rot, once in the bloodstream, will cause hemorrhaging (which can lead to dropsy and anemia), organ failure, and numerous other issues.  Also, the open wounds can easily become infected with other, more dangerous pathogens.

    If you can't get the medication ASAP, frequent water changes would be the best start.  Also, make sure the tank is an adequate size with a heater and filter, or the fish will be under constant amount of stress, which will exacerbate the problem.

  2. As said before it is only fatal if it reaches the flesh - do constant water changes (2/3 of the water not all) day in, day out, use a filter, and keep at around 27/8 degrees C. Also if available use soma Sweet Almond Leaf extract, will help much with the mendind of the fins

  3. Yes it will die from fin rot.  It eats the fin up and once it gets to the body the fin can't grow back but usually the fish dies before that happens from the infection.  Fin rot is usually cause by poor water conditions.  

    A betta should be housed in a 5 gallon heated filtered tank.  If you have it in a bowl then you need to change the water at least every 3 days and you will still be shortening your fishes life span.


  4. Yes, any fish can die from fin rot. If it is not treated soon, your fish will no doubt die from the disease. Fin rot is not too fatal, until it reaches the base of the fin. At this point open wounds can set in and cause a colorful amount of very fatal things to your betta. The very best thing that you can do for the little guy is to buy him some medicine. It isn't expensive. Besides, you'll save his life. :)

    Here is a link that will give you the info you need.

    Good luck!

  5. Fin rot will kill your fish if left untreated because it will reach the base of the fin and eat away at the fish's body. Medicine isn't that expensive.

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