
Do bi-logical parents have the right to take their children back from the parents who adopted them?

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Do bi-logical parents have the right to take their children back from the parents who adopted them?




  1. Sure.....I liked being just a baby sitter to someone got their act together. Woman who relinquish their children cannot put them on "Lay-A-Way" to they get their act together. It's selfish and confusing for the child. I know because it took seven years to finalize our dd's adoption.

  2. legally or morally?

    legally in most places there is a 30 day window after youve placed your child for adoption the biological parent can change their mind

  3. That's "biological".

    There is some legal precedence for the adopted child's biological father contesting the custody if he wasn't aware that the mother was even pregnant. However, if both parents consented, they have absoloutly no legal way of taking their child back.

    When a child is adopted, the adopted parents become their legal parents in every sense. Up until recently, in Canada, an adopted child would even lose their Aboriginal status if their new parents were of a different race. It's a very definitive transaction.

  4. After a certain amount of time, no.  In some cases where children have been removed from adopted homes is because the father didn't consent and is now wanting custody, that was a real case some time ago where a child was adopted, the father hadn't signed consent, got back with the original mother and sued the adoptive parents for custody and won.  As long as it's past the states time (usually 90 days) to change your mind the adoption is legal and binding.

  5. I do think that there is a short time frame after the baby is adopted that a parent can change their mind but I'm not sure on the actual time. I do know that it is possible, though. A friend of mine actually gave her baby girl up for adoption but changed her mind shortly after. Mind you, it's not as easy as, "Whoa, I think I'd rather be a parent. Please give me back my child." but it can be done if it hasn't been too long and you're willing to fight.

    Hope this helps.

  6. nope. in some cases (and i say only in some) parents are able to visit their children.

  7. I don't think so, no.

  8. only if they didn't give permission to the adoption, like if a mom let her kid be adopted, but the father didn't know about it because he wasn't around and such then he can take the child away as it makes the adoption illegal. i'm not sure how much it happens though, and of course this may only be in certain states i don't know all the stuff behind this.

  9. No.  they probably signed a contract or something or if they abandonded you they had one shot so its thier fault.

  10. no

  11. No, thankfully they can not. And they shouldn't be allowed either. Just my opinion. Sorry if I offend anyone.

  12. no they cant usually they can have an open adoption but usually they sign their right's away

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