
Do black and white movies appear the same for colourblind people as they do for people who can see colour?

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this has to ve the dumbest question I have ever asked...

so errrm sorry lol




  1. Pretty much.  Colorblindness is the inability to tell one color from another, or in some cases, it can be total lack of color perception.  Since black and white is just different shades of gray, it wouldn't be very much different even for someone that could not see color at all.


  2. Nearly the same.  Black and white will be the same, but everything in between is probably perceived differently.  But any difference would be really hard to evaluate, since the brain tends to compensate for any deficiencies in the senses.  It's not at all a dumb question.  'do my homework for me' is a dumb question.

  3. yes - As a colour blind person I cannot distinguish between certain colours. Black and white movies have no colour, only varying levels of brightness. we can see this the same as normal colour vision folks.

    Our eyes have special cells called rods and cones. The rods are able to detect light levels - but not colour.

    There are three types of cones for detecting colour. (red, green and blue). People who are colour blind have one or more faulty cones.

    Current understanding is that the 6 to 7 million cones can be divided into "red" cones (64%), "green" cones (32%), and "blue" cones (2%)

    These correspond to the primary colours for light.

  4. Yes

  5. Yes. And just a slight difference of info to above. I'm colour blind and I was told the cones are red, green and yellow (- not blue.) I have very severe c/b in all three cones. Low contrast between colours causes problems.

  6. It's only green + red that affects colour blind people.

  7. Black and white are not colours, so they are not affected by colour blindness.

    Black is the absence of light.

    White is the presence of all colours of light.

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