
Do black ant's sting?

by Guest64076  |  earlier

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Do black ant's sting?




  1. Noes >_< lol

    But apparently they bite =p

    But I shouldn't worry, because if you've ever watched and held a small spider - watch it up close. When it stops walking, it bites you.

  2. No, but they do bite on an occasion.

  3. Depends on the ant. However, even the ones that "sting" don't really sting. Instead, they bite and spray the bite with an acid from their abdomen. This is the case with all ants, though, and black ants usually are not all that aggressive.

  4. They do not sting, but they will bite. The bite may cause a slight allergic reaction and itch. It will be only very slightly painful when the bite happens.

    Other types of ants will bite though, which will cause a sting.

  5. There is a wasp called a velvet ant, that looks like an ant that stings.
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