
Do black people in america wish there ancestors stayed in africa?

by Guest55602  |  earlier

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They hate slavery obviously but are lucky they dont have to live in a war torn aids infested continent like africa is how i see it . They should be glad




  1. They are.  They just like to complain about "the man".  Nice folks.

  2. h**l NO!!!!  The pain their ancestors went thru, provided them with such wonderful opportunity...Sacrifice is worth it if you can give something better to your loved ones....ANYONE would do it for their children....

    Like JESUS did for all of us....GOD sacrificed his ONLY son.....HUGS!!

  3. I sure wish they would learn to speak the language properly.  The word is "ask" not "ax".  And it is "pencil", not "princel".  The creation of ebonics does not help to raise their standards either.  Proper grammar and spelling go a long way towards raising a person's educational level and their personal standards.

    I agree with Ted.  You would have to ask them.  But being forced over here does not mean that they would  not have come on their own eventually.  Life in many African countries is very hard and the people do not have opportunities to create a better life, and many spend every day in fear of their lives.  I don't know any black people today who would want to go back to that, even though most complain about how their ancestors were treated.  White people at the time did not know any better, but we have since learned that we are ALL human and one race or color is not superior over others.  Although the Federal Government still treat my Native American people the same barbaric way they treated my ancestors over 100 years ago.  At least the government has recognized that blacks are equal to whites, even if they have not recognized that my people are also equal and should be treated with the same rights and respect.

  4. I think that some may say they do, but in reality we have a far better life here then we would EVER have in any country in Africa.

    I mean come on life would be so grand in Africa. I'm half black and must say that I'm so glad to be here and not in Africa. Sure my ancestors went thru awful times and for that we have much to be thankful for (thanking our ancestors). I have never experienced slavery nor anyone I know, so I think it's time for us to stop crying, get up, wipe those tears (if there are any) and move forward!

    I don't see anyone moving to Africa, like they do to Europe or any other continent. It's just something to complain about for some, something to put blame on...I hear it a lot in my family and it's just irritating...enough!  

    Be glad you're an American or African-American (whichever you prefer to call yourself).

  5. Probably if Africa had not been pillaged and looted, and its population of young and strong reduced to a nothing by slave merchants (population in some areas was reduced of 9/ 10), Africa will be in a better situation today.

    Probably if Africa had not been devastated later by mono cultures of coffee and cocoa that destroyed the fertility of the ground forbidding any other food producing activity for many years, Africa will have been not so poor today.

    Probably if African resources like tea in Ruanda or tobacco in Zimbabwe or oil in Nigeria and diamonds and phosphates had been left to Africa, some European countries (Belgium to make an example) and USA will be less developed and poorer today and Africa richer

    If medicines had not been in the hands of few multinationals imposing high prices and patents IN ANY CASE, if our preachers had not insisted too much on no birth control and the condom as evil, if , finally, some producers of infant formula milk had not spent billions in advertising to promote formula instead of breast milk in countries where water is often so polluted to kill or leave disable forever many babies, Africa will have been stronger.

    In this case, people of African descent will have preferred even more that their ancestors had not been forced to inhumane, humiliating and often deadly sacrifices to let their descendants live in a society that doesn't want yet them to grow in accordance with their potential.

    All this did not happen so now they are glad to live in a country where they have 5.2 years life expectancy than the main ethnic group, an unemployment rate of 1 on 4 , where they are the "last hired and first fired" in accordance with your own government and , for the same job and job conditions are paid 30 percent less of their European descent colleague. Where 10 to 15 percent  of their grand grand sons are in jail and where drug abuse follows strange ethnic paths.

    Do they need to thank anybody?

  6. You'd have to ask them.

    People would respect you more if you knew how to capitalize properly. Knowing when to use "there" and when to use "their" helps too. Most of the women I dated in college were first attracted to my vocabulary and syntax. Smart, plain women can be as much fun as bouncy empty-headed blondes, and three times as grateful.

    How you see it doesn't count. It is how they see it. Many sort of resent kidnapping, slavery and rape, oddly enough. Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees, you know.

    Left to themselves they may have immigrated, started humble and risen, as did the Italians, Irish, Huguenots Germans, Poles, Japanese, Chinese, Hmongs, Swedes, . .


  7. I don't think so, I think they regret the fact of how they were forced and violated while coming to this country.  The fact they did not have a choice.  

  8. > Do black people in america wish there ancestors stayed in africa?

    Only the ones who don't know anything about Rwanda and Zimbabwe

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