
Do black people look more like mexicans then white people do?

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cause i'm indian half mexican half black




  1. Mexican people come in all colors and ancestries.  Some have fair skin and red hair,others have very dark skin and curly hair.  Many are blond and tall.  Others are short and have coal black hair.  The people of Mexico are descendents of Indians, Africans, Asians, cannot generalize about their appearance...there are just too many different  "types" of Mexican people.

  2. Indian half mexican half blacK? What does that mean?

    Mexicans can look like anything. Black and white are racial characteristics, Mexican is a nationality. In Mexico all the races of man are represented. We have caucasians, mongoloids(both east Asians and amerinds), and negroids.

    Some Mexicans look amerind. Some Mexicans look African. Some, like my wife, have the gothic and celtic features of northern Spain.

    Vicente Fox has no black features. Nor does Salma Hayek. Actually blacks only account for 1 % of the population at most. But if you ARE a black Mexican you are considered just as Mexican as any other citizen.

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