
Do blacks make good managers?

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so its okay to asked or say blacks make good runners

or blacks make good dancers but not the other way around




  1. As opposed to pink, green or yellow ?

  2. There are good managers and bad managers colour or gender don't come into it.  

  3. Do Women ask good questions?

  4. tiger woods aint to shabby.

  5. You people kill me do black do this do black can do that,If your race was all that why the country in such chaos.Honey grow up something is wrong with you.

  6. Wow how can the colour of someones skin determine this? holy Fk!

  7. no humans do

  8. You have never met a black managers before?


  9. Blacks make pretty decent managers

    Yeah here's a video someone made about funny blacks in the office place LOL!

  10. no matter what way you try and put it this question is racist.

    I have never heard anyone say "blacks are good runners...etc"

    Maybe that just makes me a better person.

  11. Condoleezza Rice  

  12. Why would skin colour make a difference????

    Do policemen with big feet make better cops????

  13. No, blacks, per se, do not make good managers, but neither do they make bad ones.  PEOPLE make good managers, or bad ones, based on their individual abilities, without regard to their race.

    Ironically, your attempts to ameliorate the inherent racism of your question in your "Additional Details" only serves to make the problem worse.  No, it is not okay to say that "blacks" make good runners or good dancers, as opposed to other racial groups.  You are saying that a particular group, determined by race, is better at a particular thing.  That is racism.  Yes, I know, it is a common joke that "white people can't dance," at least not as well as blacks in general, but that doesn't mean it isn't racist.  

    To mattdibs:  no, blacks are not "prone to corruption."  One can hardly find a more corrupt government than what existed in Germany from 1933 to 1945, and they were all white, as I recall.  Corruption knows no racial bounds.

    To Mrs. Grohl:  First, fat does not "turn into" muscle, not in blacks nor anyone else.  Through proper diet and exercise you can lose fat and gain muscle, but the one is not transmuted into the other.  Second, since blacks cannot in fact turn fat into muscle, your contention that they are better runners because of that is moot.  Do you have any other snippets of wisdom to impart to us?  


  14. But I don't understand. For all Sarah could be saying is that blacks make excellent managers. She hasn't actually stated anything racist. It's a question, not a statement. When did Sarah say anything negative about blacks?

  15. Wot has the colour of skin got to do with it???

  16. Black people are prone to corruption take Africa as a good case study. Dont beleive me:

  17. Do women make good mothers?

    Some do, some don't.

    Same difference.

  18. what a stupid question.  I am guessing with such a juvenile attitude, "blacks" would make a better managers than yourself.  In fact, so would my three young children.

  19. I have to agree with who ever said 'decent people make decent managers'. Generalization won't really do anything.

  20. Yes, they can be good managers, just like anyone else can be.

    The question is racist because it assumes that there will be any difference at all in these managers, simply because of their race.

    Good managers are a product of their education and training, as well as their individual personality traits.  To assume that race alone makes any difference is racist.

  21. Anybody with good management skills would make a good manager whether they're black, white, brown, yellow, pink or whatever.

    Racism is a bit out of fashion now.

    Darwins theory has been disproved.

    Slavery has been abolished.

    Maybe you need to take a look at yourself and your bigotted, racist views. Obviously you wouldn't be suitable as a manager or any other role that requires a responsible, decent, respectful adult.

  22. Blacks do make better runners, their bodies are better at turning fat into muscles

  23. Depends on the individual - some will, some won't.  The colour of their skin is incidental

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