
Do blind people have TV sets?

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Do blind people have TV sets?




  1. yes so do def people

  2. Well sure, they can still hear it..

  3. yes.  they pay a reduced licence fee in the UK

  4. yes they listen like we do they can use mobile fones texting and calling they use brail for reading and wrighting on paper- through a typewriter that makes a sequence of 'bumps' on  blank  paper they read it by feeling the words,they can do anything like everybody else

  5. If they really like listening to things, I guess.

    But they may as well just get a radio or something.

    Bilnd people suck, cause they can't see.

  6. ohhhhhh yehh....

  7. I have several friends who are either blind or vision impaired. They all have television sets. Their ears still work. They also have computers that talk to them, with Braille keyboards.

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