
Do blind people switch their house lights on?

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If only they are in.




  1. Most blind people have some vision, so yes, they would turn on their lights. I am legally blind and I use the lights in my house!

  2. well...if you mean totally blind people...then probably not, unless they weren't born blind. they might probably turn on the light switch out of habit. however, as  someone already mentioned, most people who are catagorized as "blind" still have light preception or see movement. turning on a light switch might not help them much.

    however, if you mean legally blind (people who are able to see some like an acuity of 20/200 or worse) still have some functional vision. they may need lights because lack of light affects them greatly. it depends on how much they can see.

    hope this helps...good question!


  3. "Blind" can mean either completely blind from birth or a person can be "legally blind" (like with macular degeneration of the retina in the eye in older people).  Completely blind will not touch light switches.  Legally blind often have good peripheral vision but cannot see ahead to read print;  they will turn on the light and have some side vision.

  4. I knew a blind man that turned on lights if he was home so that his family knew when he was there. He also had some light perception and could see movement and shadows so he was creeped out if he could not tell if someone or soemthing was in his way as well.

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