
Do boys see optical illusion differently than girls? how do boy and girls brains work

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science fair project dealing with optical illusions

how do boy and girls brains work




  1. when I look at those optical illusion things in books I always see them popping inwards instead of outwards like their supposed to be. I doubt that's with all girls though.

  2. In general, there won't be much difference between males in females when it comes to visual perception.  There are individual differences (one person may view it different from another person), but it is not based on gender.  In general, male and female brains function very similarly.  One difference (which is barely significant) is that women tend to score better on vocabulary testing, while men score better in spacial tests.  

    Generally speaking though, there are more differences between two males brains than between females' and males' brains as a whole.

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