
Do braces REALLY hurt

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Hey im gettin braces and every body has been tellin me c**p like im gonna cry and everything, if you have braces will you let me know if the REALLY hurt?




  1. I have a high pain tolerance but I have to say..braces are pretty d**n painful. But I just took 2 Motrin pain pills every 4 hours and I was fine. It helps wonders! So just do that, and theres really nothing else you can do with the pain other then pain killers. But the pain will go away in about a week or 2.

  2. the inside of your cheeks get raw, and they hurt when you tighten them. Mine caused me to get terrible headaches, and I had to go through hella testing until we found out that was the problem.

  3. NO.

    the first day i got mine, they were tender to eating.

    but after that nah.

    geting them tightened doesnt really hurt, it only hurt me once.

    and getting them off is like nothing.

  4. they only hurt  for like the first few days because your teeth have to adjust

  5. Not when you first get them put on, but a couple hours after that they start to make your teeth really sore and it feels like they're going to fall out. That pain stays for about 3-5 days depending on the person then you don't even notice they're on.

  6. here's the truth

    it hurts really bad the first couple of days

    but they don't make you cry

    just take some advil and it really works

    after that, it will never really hurt unless they add new springs or thicker wires or something

  7. Don't listen to them.

    It's not a big deal.

    Going in there expecting it to hurt is going to make it seem like it's hurting when it really isn't.

    You're fine.

    Just go in there and think about something relaxing and something that makes you happy.

    I had braces for 5 years and they only hurt a little when I first got them and a little each time I got them tightened.

  8. well to tell u the truth i got my braces this morn and they hurt STILL like i have never felt this bad of a pain in my life i want cry but ive came VERY close to it like my bestie she couldent eat solid food for 3 weeks no joke but i say u better stock up on lots of pudding but hey dont wory bout the pain right away u want feel it until about an hour l8ter or m/b even a lil longer soo AS SOON as u get them on i would go straight to the dollar menu at mcdonlads b-4 u cant eat at all u better stock up in ur  tummy  

  9. I can't give you an accurate response since I'm a "very difficult" with my situation. I won't exaggerate on that but for me, braces didn't really hurt at all at first. But every time I've gone into ortho, I've come out in pain. Especially when you get something new, like steel ties or rubber bands.

  10. yes  

  11. Well it does, but only some people cry, depending on the person.

    The reason why some people cry, is because of the pain when u first get them on.

    First Week- Holy ****, it hurts. But, just take some advil or tynenol.

    Second Week- A lot easier, teeth r better at getting used to the braces

    Third Week- Teeth r fully used to the braces

    After that, u should be good.

    Have anymore questions about braces?


  12. Braces hurt for the first three or so days after each adjustment. The pain won't make you cry. It isn't that bad. Only one time the pain kept me from sleeping, but other than that just eat soft foods for three or four days after each adjustment and you will be fine and remember clean your teeth really well because a lot of food will get stuck. Good luck! =)

  13. Absoultly not. You shouldn't be afraid, i thought i was going to be in extreme pain but i didnt even feel it, once you get them on they may rip up your lips a bit but you dentist should give you wax to put on your braces to prevent that. But dont listen to the people who tell you they hurt you can even feel a thing

  14. No they don't but rubber bands hurt.  

  15. Getting them on doesn't really hurt an awful much, and for the fist 2-6 hours things feel okay too. As soon as you pass that point though, It hurts like h**l, so I suggest eating a mountain in that 2-6 hour period, because after, It hurts to even open your mouth! The pain goes away after a week or so, depending on your mouth's crowdedness and adaptability. My advice is pain killers. They will be your best friend.

    P.S. If you think they look bad at first, thats normal. When the teeth straighten out, they look much better!    

  16. they only feel weird....they dont really hurt just dont eat anything hard for the first few days....

  17. ok. So I had braces for two years and I just recently got them off. When you're getting the braces put on it doesn't hurt a bit. It just feels like a  regular dentist check-up. Later that day your teeth will feel a little odd and might hurt a little bit also, and the next few days your teeth will be sore and you may need to take an advil or tylenol or something. But other than that they don't hurt. Not even when your getting them taken off.
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