
Do braces cause bad pain?

by  |  earlier

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Thing is, is I can't eat certain foods i.e vegges so I hope I can eat most of the foods I can eat.




  1. At first, yes. All i could eat was soft food like oatmeal and applesauce. But that only lasted a week and then you're used to it and it's all handy dandy. :)

  2. I doesn't really hurt when you eat or anything as long as your careful. Yes they do hurt pretty bad, but it's not like unbearable pain. After a week or so it goes away.  

  3. no not really u'll just be sore advil or tylenol helps though for first 3 days sort of u just eat soft foods thoes days.

  4. only when you get them on & then for the next 2-3 months when you go for the tightening is your mouth a little sore..

    nothing that will make you want to die from pain at all

    just sore so its best to eat soft foods for the first couple of days

    other wise its a walk in the park..

  5. Yeahh they do, for the first few days they will hurt.Its alot of pressure on your teeth but after about 4 days the pain goes and you cant feel it.

    Eat mash potatoe for a bit, nuthin hard until your use to your braces

    Hope it helps :)

  6. I got braces maybe a few months ago, and the pain is so-so. The first few days when you get them your mouth is a little sore, but later you get used to it, advil also helps. When you get your braces tightened, they are a little bit sore, and it's hard to bite things, so try to eat soft foods.

  7. well i have never had braces but from friends comments yea they look like they hurt =(

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