
Do breastfed babies stool less often than formula fed babies?

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Just recently, I've discontinued formula supplementation and have noticed that my 4mo old son's bowel movements are less frequent. Does this mean that he isn't receiving enough milk, or that, perhaps, formula produces more waste than breast milk? We're going to the Pediatrician in less than two weeks for a weight check, but until then, I just want to make sure he's getting enough.




  1. All babies are different. Some have frequent stools, others infrequent.

    But yes, it's very common for breastfed babies, after the newborn period to go several days between dirty dipes -- sometimes as much as 7-10 days.  (Breastmilk is digested to completely that there isn't much residue.)

    As long as he's wetting plenty of diapers, he's fine.

  2. breast milk is created with just what baby needs, not much left over for "waste." because of this, breastfed babies often have BMs less than formula fed, though this isn't always the case. as long as he is gaining weight, there is no need to worry that he isn't getting enough.

  3. breast milk doesn't contain a lot of extras that babies don't need like formula does so There is less p**p and that's why it is more runny also. You're right formula produces more waste. if he's not getting enough I'm sure he'd be crying for more. is he peeing alot? then i wouldn't worry.

  4. Well, I know around the 4 month mark, my son quit going often, he would sometimes go only once a week (exclusively breastfed).  I was told this is completely normal.  As long as your baby is having frequent wet diapers, and doesn't act more irritable or in pain, I wouldn't worry too much about it.  

  5. I think your assumption is right.  Breastmilk is essentially a "perfect" food and as long as you're nursing him whenever he acts hungry, I'm sure he'd fine.  Also, his GI tract is probably just getting used to not having the formula additives in it and is "recalibrating".  How many diapers is he wetting a day.  That's the big "marker" of a baby getting enough (water, especially)  I wouldn't worry so much about the bm thing as long as he's wetting a diaper at least once every 2-3 hours and otherwise appears normal (like before)

    (I want to get my 7 month old off of formula asap, but re-lactating isn't going to happen for me!  I'm envious that you're doing!)

    Good luck!

  6. my understanding is that breast fed babies poo a lot more then formula fed because they digest it faster.  i bet he's not getting as much. if you were supplementing then you probably caused yourself a lower milk supply.  it will build back up.

  7. I think it also has alot to do with your babies particular system.  By baby has a bowel system just like his daddies.  It doenst matter what is going in, the coming out stuff if sure to be nasty no matter what. The slightest change in my diet will affect his stomach and make him moody for days.

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