
Do bumblebee's have stingers??

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do the big BUMBLE bees have stingers???




  1. Yes

    Bumblees have stingers, though they seldom use them. You really have to annoy one or get dangerously close to the nest in order to get stung

  2. Does Mick Jagger have lips? You betcha.

  3. Yes.  All bee's, wasps, and hornets have stingers.  Idk about Sweat bee's though.  The really small looking bee's, you know?  

  4. yes, I believe so, but from what I've heard, they die after they sting something. I think they sorta need their stingers to live (don't know why).

  5. Queen and worker bumblebees can sting, but, like virtually all bees, the sting is not barbed (only honey bees have a barbed sting), so they can sting more than once. Bumblebee species are non-aggressive, but will sting in defense of their nest, or if harmed.

    @ Emily: Sweat bee is the common name for any bees that are attracted to the salt in human perspiration. Their attraction to sweat makes them a nuisance, as they will sting if squeezed or squashed against ones flesh. Their sting is only rated a 1.0 on the Schmidt Sting Pain Index, making it almost painless. However, individuals with allergies to any kind of insect should seek immediate medical attention.     Sweat Bees do sting.

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