
Do butlers make a good living? Any perks?

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I know that in England this profession is taken very seriously, but I am curious what the life of a butler is like and how they are generally viewed by those whom employee them.




  1. In modern houses where the butler is the most senior worker, titles such as majordomo, butler administrator, house manager, manservant, staff manager, estate manager and head of household staff are sometimes given. The precise duties of the employee will vary to some extent in line with the title given, but perhaps more importantly in line with the requirements of the individual employer.

    In our modern age the butler has been reinvented as a kind of Swiss-Army- knife, all-purpose household manager, often the sole permanent servant, as much required to organise his master’s travel arrangements and supervise redecorating the house as he is to serve the wine at formal dinners.

  2. a butler will live on a salary of about £40.000 a year.

    he will have all clothes provided and will live in the grounds of winsor castle (or which ever establishment he is posted in).

    depending on his level of importance, (1st butler being the highest ranging down to 5th and below that maid) he will have different jobs to do for example a 4th butler would never be seen at the table where as a 2nd butler would be but not however a 1st butler for he is the queens, princes or princesses right hand man in a nutshell.

    hope it helps.

  3. I hope one of your answers comes from a bloke called B*rr*ll.

    He should know what the perks (if any) are.

  4. Not only royalty, but also people or even companies who can afford it, employ butlers. There are "butler services" that work along the lines of "rent a butler" for special occasions, exhibitions etc.

    It is not a job you do for the money, I can tell you that. It is often a family tradition or wanting to do more than "just" being a waiter, steward etc.

    Thing is of course, as a prerequisite for the job, you need to believe in it. You need to like the old-fashioned glam of British royalty to appreciate work as a butler anywhere there, let me assure you there is hardly anything glamourous or "wow" for the butlers involved. You need to be willing to be at your employer´s hand, 24 hours, 7 days a week; so you can basically forget most of your own, private life. You are expected to do as you are told, and believe me, that might not come as easy all the time, it requires lots of self control. There is a proper "butler education", if you want to call it like that, there are butler schools - for a reason. Not every waiter can simply upgrade to a butler, the job is definitely more challenging and complex than most people think.

    By private people with money who mostly have one butler doing all (serving, driving, laundry....and more, yes!), the man and his work will be much appreciated, but you need to dedicate yourself fully to the task.

    Starting as a PA with J.Lo or Whoever is not something I would encourage... Hollywoodsters are the worst. ;)

  5. If you like being abused, belittled etc.  go work for Prince Charles.  I've read he's really a terror to work for.  The Royal Family really doesn't pay alot, they think the prestige for working for them is enough.

  6. Its actually a very specialised job that requires training in Deportment, Etiquette, Service and various other protocol, from wine tasting to Gunnery. Your main duties are to be the practical brain of your employer, so do everything from picking his clothes, shoes, wine, food to manning his dairies, essentially to make sure everything runs smooth. Like being PA to J. Lo or Mariah Carey. Pecks are endless, you eat all their expensive foods and wine, you are tipped generously by their friends, you get to travel all over the world, they pass little worn expensive clothings to you, you can make out with some of their women in secret, they don,t ask for change when they give you like £20 to pick up a pack of cigarettes, you live in a nice grand little flat, not rent. you get to meet lots of famous people and if you drive, you sometimes get to use their flash and expensive cars. OK, sometimes they can be idiotic but the lifestyle more than make up for it. Its really a nice little earner, don,t believe distortions.

  7. have you seen the movies?

    in all the old scary movies it was always the butler, poor butlers, always getting blamed for everything!

  8. Are you joking? Butlers are only taken seriously by themselves. Only royalty have butlers, no-one else. They work for little money and long hours. I assume that those who employ them see them as help and not much more. Most butlers are just like Paul Burrell - can't be bothered to do anything to make a name for themselves so they cash in on their former employer's name.

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