
Do calf raises increase your vertical jump?

by  |  earlier

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do calf raises help alot or is there something else i can do to increase my vertical? i am a middle hitter for my volleyball team and the leading blocker. i need a higher veritcal to make it to varsity in the fall. what can i do that is easy, can be done at home, and doesnt cost much for equipment? thanks so much!

btw im 6' 1" and have a 13 inch vertical now




  1. Studies show that the muscles used most in jumping (in no particular order) are your thighs, hamstrings and glutes. They account for about 65% or so of the power for a vertical. The reamaining power comes from calves, hip flexors and so forth. So calves raises will help but like others point plyos, squats and sprints to build the whole leg will help more.

  2. Calf Raises will help you with quick jumps. But you do need to work your entire legs for quality vertical.

    Squat jumps and box jumps are best for that. It's all about explosion. Whatever you do, whenever you jump, concentrate on jumping with explosion by snapping into the air, don't just lazily leap in the air.

    Every single time you jump, you are improving. It's hard but try jumping in place (example below) about 25 reps (with 4 reps of that) fast, that's 100 low jumps and 100 high jumps.

    Stand with your feet a little less than shoulder width apart:

    (This is one, not two)

    Squat -> explode upward and jump slightly -> squat -> explode upward and jump high.

    You're legs will get a workout and if you do this every day, your vertical will increase if it's not maxed already. (Yes, there is a max for vertical in humans. :) )

  3. the only thing you use calfs for in jumping is landing, so it wont increase your vertical by much. you need to strengthen your thighs. just do squats and lunges

  4. Wow 6'1 that's tall for a girl.  Anyways, yes they help but so does strengthening your thighs by doing wall sits and maybe squats.  Jump training, meaning jumping over and over basically can help a lot.

  5. yes calf raises are good and will help eventually, also youre gonna need to strenthen your core especially if you swing block like i do (im short so i have to)

  6. Doing calf raises will increase your vertical but you won't see any dramatic change just by doing that alone.

    Below is the list of things that will help increase your vertical.

    1.  Stretching will help you with better range of motion(ROM) and reduces internal body friction and tension.  For example, stretching hip flexor increases stride length and reduces tension in upper thighs and hips when jumping.

    2.  Basic Strength Training: Squats, Leg Press, Calf Raise...

    3.  Power Training:  Jump Squats, Power Clean(Olympic Lifting)...........

    4.  Plyometrics:  Drop Jump, Box Jump........

    Stretching and Basic strength training alone will not dramatically increase your vertical but you must have this foundation before you do more advanced jump training such as power training and plyometrics which may considerably increase your vertical.

    Good Luck

  7. umm. U need to run alot, for you maybe 1-2 miles a day and u need to go to the gym and work on those leg muscles. O and eat alot of proteins. That's what I did, when I try to increase my vertical. If u want to know my vertical is 40 now

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