
Do camps similar to the ones in the holocaust exist in the world today?

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Do camps similar to the ones in the holocaust exist in the world today?




  1. There are similar ones in Russia, abuse, torture, and murder happen, but I don't think they have gas chambers. The current state of some of Russia's prisons are being compared to the Russian gulags of the 20th century.


    People across the globe are still being put in prisons or camps today because of the their religion, culture, or lifestyle and with the plan that they die there. Not on the scale of WW2, but that's why they are similar, not the same, which is what the question asked. You can bet that there are killing camps in the world today we're not aware of.

  2. As others have pointed out, there are prisons around the world that offer no human rights and force extreme labor.  But these, I imagine, will pale in comparison to the horror of the Holocaust.  It is a horrible prison camp, but not an extermination camp.

    In Darfur, it is chaos and war, with no law and order.  It isn't a physical location where people are locked up waiting to die and be processed into bar soap.

    Such systematic government endorsed genocide has been seen around the world, but I would say, never in the scale of the Holocaust.

  3. Yes, in Darfur, Sudan

  4. Yes, similar not the same, look up genoside and darfur on google and you'll get your answers.

  5. Yes, the russians commited horrible attrocities, and Stalin killed more people than Hitler did. He killed i think tens of millions of people.

  6. Probably not as industrialized as the Death camps, but there are plenty of concentration camps around the world.  Someone already mentioned Darfur, Sudan.  Once could look at Saddam Hussein's old prisons, or the ones in Iran.  I'm sure Thailand's prison system is no picnic either.  Fortunately the Soviet Gulag system is gone as well.

  7. NO

    The Chinese and North Koreans have prison work camps where people are sentenced to basically work to death. Russia still maintains 3 "modernized" gulags as work prisons. But as far as I know there are no camps set of for the purpose of exterminating mass volumes of people.

    Dar-fur, there are no "camps" set up by the Sudanese for exterminating people, the Sudanese support a few warlords that raid small towns, villages and refugee camps killing raping and murdering on a massive scale. But no camps where two - three thousand people are brought in to be exterminated on a daily basis.

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