
Do/can abortions hurt?

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(I'm not pregnant, and also please do not bother me with the anti-abortion comments)




  1. Abortions just cause period-like cramping.  The best place to get info on them is

  2. I would say yes.  

  3. Go on  you tube and watch "the silent scream"  it will show you a video of an abortion.  If I remember correctly, they give you some heavy drugs which pretty much put you out.  

  4. Yes. They are miserable both emotionally & physically! Make sure you really think it through!

  5. the baby? yes, im sure they do.

  6. Yeah they most likely do and they should you killing an innocent child!  

  7. You or the unborn child?  Physically or mentally?  As requested I won't bother you with anti-abortion comments although I don't think that this question is best fielded to a group of pregnant women!

  8. Yes they do. Abortions hurt the mother in more ways than one. They are truly a traumatic experience. You will have severe cramping and bleeding (at least) and will be in a ton of pain, and also, you will be an emotional wreck. It is emotionally traumatic. You may even carry a lot of regret and guilt for the rest of your life. Many mothers do, even when they do not expect to. I hope this helps somehow :)

  9. Absolutely!

  10. yeah your killing a baby Im sure they feel the pain.

  11. Or course it hurts..

    most doctors say youll feel MILD cramps..

    which isnt the case...

    if you go to a forum you can read about mothers who have bled through sanitary pads for days...the pain makes them bend over with agony.

    Not to mention the mental abuse they have t go through..

    And of course-with saline-the baby will feel basically BURNS the baby alive..and melts the skin

    With saline abortions...

    the most common...

    THe baby shrivels up like a SLUG WITH SALT on it..

    how can this NOT be painful..

  12. not necessarily its more of an emotional strain then physical...i think the amount of pain you feel really depends on how far along you are and the experience of your doctor.

  13. why would you ask this? I hope people who do kill children feel pain, I hope it hurts really bad, since you're killing an innocent child

  14. Of course it could hurt !

    Wouldn't it hurt  you if someone with no heart no feelings just out of no where they just Cut your arm, leg or your head.?

  15. I am really sorry to hear that you are in this position. I can not stand all these people who put these vicious responses up to a question like this. No one knows your situation, but you. Making a decision like this is soooooooo awful. It is NEVER easy.

    To answer your question, if you are very early in your pregnancy it should not be physically painful. You will cramp and bleed. As long as there are no complications you should recover in about a week. The pain you will have will be emotional, even if you think you won't regret it, you will. It will haunt you for the rest of your life. The guilt is worse than any pain, it never leaves you and no matter how many years pass it is still there. No matter how much good you do it never goes away. I am not telling you this because I am a big PROLIFE person, I believe that everyone has the right to choose, I am telling you this because I know. If you really need someone to talk to feel free to e-mail me through my profile.

  16. i know someone who had an abortion and she said it was the worst pain she had ever felt in her life! only the super expensive doctors give u good pain meds.... and it is also painful to the baby thats dying as its being ripped out of you limb by limb...  i dunno me personally im pro life, but anyways yeah i heard it hurts like crazy.

    oh by the way i DO know what its like... i was RAPED and i got pregnant... at 15. but i didnt have an abortion... i think its an excuse... so by all means im proud to have the thumbs down.

  17. I assume you are only asking about physical pain, so I won't give you all that emotional pain stuff because yes, most people feel emotional pain.  

    I know in CA, they knock you out completely and you are "OUT"!  Like with most surgeries, so you do not feel anything.  Upon waking up, the patient can have cramping similar to a period.  Of course there is bleeding for almost 2 weeks after as well.  I've known people who have said that they were in LOTS of pain after and I also know someone who had NO pain after.  So it depends on the person, each is different and their tolerance for pain.  

  18. Yes they can hurt.  Botched abortions can leave you unable to carry a child.  If something happens where the entire fetus is not removed, this can result in a D&C procedure which can also leave you unable to carry a child.

    Sorry, best bet:  Have the baby and put it up for adoption.  Do you want to be responsible for the death of a LIVING baby?

    Oh, and why would you ask this on the pregnancy and parenting forum?   Do you know how many women on here are trying desperately to conceive a child?

  19. Ok, no moral judgement involved here, just being a medical professional.

    If they are performed by a skilled doctor under surgical conditions then no, it will not hurt.

    If it is an early term abortion you would most likely be given a general anasthetic, this would involve an injection (a shot).  After you are asleep, the abortion would be performed by either vacuum aspiration or a dilation and curettage.

    When the procedure is over you will be taken to a recovery area and woken up.  You will be allowed to rest and "come to" after the anasthetic.  When you have recovered after a few hours you will be allowed to go home if you have someone to take you.

    Afterwards you can expect to bleed like you have a period.  Some patients report mild cramping accompanying the bleeding, others expereince nothing at all besides the bleeding.  Normal over the counter pain relief should be enough if you need it.

    Some doctors also recommend that patients take a course of antibiotics to prevent infection, but this is up to the doctor depending on your individual circumstances.

    After the procedure you should avoid swimming, taking baths, using tampons or having s*x - this is only a precautionary measure until the cervix heals - about 14-21 days.  It is a long shot but these activities can sometimes introduce infection.

    I hope this factual information gives you some insight into the medical side of the process.
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