
Do canadian university recruit canadian high school athletes, and do they give full scholarships?

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Do canadian university recruit canadian high school athletes, and do they give full scholarships?




  1. No full scholarships for athletics in Canada, but...Alumni may help you get a sweet summer job(but keep that to yourself).

  2. i believe so and all Canadians get full scholarships last i checked

  3. canadia dosent have schools, the country has educational videos mostly all aboot the french indians and how they are native to the great lands of the north(canadia) and not the suex.........or sumthin like that

  4. By the way Sand Paper Man spells it looks like the US doesn't have any schools (for the developmentally slow).

    Canadian schools do not give out full scholarships.  That's why so many of our best athletes end up at US schools.

    Guy below has done a great job.  No total free rides in this country.  It's still much better today than years ago.

  5. i hate stupid f***s who make fun of canada like sand paper man or whatever the person who answered this

    the answer is Yes they do recruite canadian high school athletes and some places give out full scholarships depending on sports and school

  6. The answer is yes they recruit, and depending on the school some will give full rides, some partial.

  7. Canadian universities are not allowed to offer entrance scholarships for athletics.  They can only offer "awards" to continuing students (second year and beyond).

  8. No, scholarships aren't offered in Canada like they are in the States. I got recruited to University of Alberta for volleyball and they gave me a few thousand dollars to help pay for school but not a full scholarship.

  9. Canadian Universities absolutely recruit Canadian high school athletes.  The extent that they do so depends on the sport and the school's budget for recruiting.

    The policy for scholarships and bursaries varies by conference and school.  The OUA, for example, does not allow entrance scholarships.  

    The CIS recently (maybe two years ago) allowed full scholarships. An athletic award can cover tuition and compulsory fees, but it cannot include other expenses like room and board.

    Entry students must have an 80% average to get an athletic entrance scholarship.  In subsequent years, you must have a 65% average.

    Some schools give all athletes on a varsity team a bursary.  Others base the bursary on academic merit.  


    section 40 for CIS rules on recruiting.

    This document contains information on Athletic scholarships for students:

    Also check with the Athletic Director at the University you are applying to.

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