
Do cannon Fodders still exist part 2?

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Does the military still punish servicemen by sending them to the front lines to pretty much die




  1. What front lines?  The US is currently fighting two guerilla style conflicts.  

  2. No that's a stupid question. You have a specific MOS, if your a medic and you get in trouble they don't make you an infantryman. They punish people by "corrective training", article 15's with the possibility of rank reduction, loss of pay, possible discharge, and extra duty; and if severe enough a crime court martial with possible jail time and possible dishonorable discharge. The soldiers operating on the front lines are extremely well trained and highly skilled in their job, to send a trouble maker who's purpose is to die amongst them would compromise them and be pointless to the cause. We are in the business of winning wars not getting soldiers killed.

  3. We have not fought an enemy that has demanded reckless abandon from us since the Vietnam War. In other worlds, that ended with the draft.

  4. Kind of.  That is why in a patrolling unit, the radioman and the corpsman/medic are usually positioned near the center.  That way if someone gets hit -typically your most forward guys - the medic is safe to treat him and the radioman can call in support.

    Do they send whole platoons as cannon fodder like in the D-Day invasion... not anymore.  We really don't do large scale ground invasions that way anymore.  Now we bomb a target and send the infantry in to clean up.  

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