
Do captains STILL go down with their ships?

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I was curious about this after seeing the cruise ship sink this morning.




  1. They don't necessarily go down with their ship, however the Captain should still one of, if not the last person off the ship in the event of a disaster.

    Just because there's a wreck and passengers and crew need to evacuate doesn't mean that the Captain's responsibilities are finished.  The Captain is still responsible for the passengers and crew's safety, ultimately it is his (or her) job to oversee that evacuation.  A Captain who leaves the ship prior to ensuring that all of this passengers and crew have been safely removed from the ship is shirking his duties.

    It is the responsibility for the safety of their passengers that can in fact mean that a modern Captain could go down with their ship, because they should be the last person to abandon the ship...

  2. Not sure but I've heard they go down on their "seamen"   ha-ha!

  3. There's not much point in that anymore.  It used to be that a ship was a person's entire life, and if the ship sank, they'd go broke and their life was over.  Now, the ship's are insured and they just buy another.  And there's no honor in dying with the ship.

  4. I can guarantee you that captain was the first to get off...

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