
Do car services charge more for two people?

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I will be travelling on business next month and my work is paying for a car service to pick me up and drop me off at the airport. My wife is going to be flying out with me so we can use it as a mini vacation. Will a car service charge extra if they come to pick us up and notice that there is two of us? Will my work find out that there is two of us? Not sure on how the policy works. Thanks a lot!




  1. A "Car Service" you mean a taxi or limo?  They usually charge for the cost of the trip to and from the airport, regardless of the number of passengers.

    ...and your work shouldn't care whether your wife is joining you, unless you're improperly charging your wife's travel costs to the company.  It sounds like you're taking steps to avoid that, so it shouldn't be an issue.

    I can't imagine them noting the number of passengers on the receipt, but even if they did, it doesn't change the cost of the fare, so it still shouldn't matter much.

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