
Do carbonated drinks like Coke and Sprite help or inhibit digestion?

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Do they affect it at all?

If they inhibit it or help it, how do they do it?




  1. Neither.

    Once they touch the stomach walls, the enzyme called carbonic anhydrase, takes away the carbon dyoxide contained in them.

    literally seconds later, the sugary fluid, is free from that gas, and beheaves exactly like any other sugary water.....

    I does NOT affect your digestion.

    However some dark cola beverages, can be irritants, if you suffer gastritis, ulcer etc.then, it they cause discomfort and delay the emptyng of the stomach contents.

    Other than that, they do not affect digestion in either sense

  2. They make digestion easier, because of the CO2 content of these sodas. This CO2 will be converted in to carbonic acid when it reaches the stomach.

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