
Do cars drive you, mad?

by Guest56694  |  earlier

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  1. Yes! That is why I always give mine female names I might like 'em indeed love 'em but they still drive me mad

  2. petrol costs!

  3. Yes sometimes............

  4. Try being a Driving Instructor like me you will go mad in no time at all.

  5. Yes, esp people who make big deal about it.

  6. no i drive my car mad?????

  7. No, in fact they keep me in control and excite me.

  8. Not the cars, but the stupid drivers that drive the cars.,,,,,

  9. yes

    gone through 5 cars in less than a year

    and this one needs a new transmission

  10. lol ya im definitely giving you a star.

  11. yeah

  12. Yes but I still love them. Its not actually the cars that drive me mad its petrol prices and all the taxes that UK motorists have to pay.

  13. no but the drivers do !!

  14. Not the cars, just the drivers.

  15. yes especially when thing start to go wrong

  16. no

    i drive cars madly

  17. don't know but the only driving they do me is to work

  18. Nope. Mr.B drives me. And please stop calling me mad!

  19. cars dont bother me. its the dumb people that drive them that bother me!

  20. no i leave that to my mother in law

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