
Do casinos have a safe way of giving you your winnings (NOT giving you cash to carry and get robbed)?

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If casinos just cash in your chips, and you leave with cash, doesn't that make it really easy for thieves to follow you out and rob you? Do they have another safer way of giving you your money, such as transferring it to a checking account, or making out a check? Just curious.




  1. I have left casinos several times with low five-figure winnings. Most, maybe all, casinos will allow you to request a check if you win $10,000 or more.  Most would probably cut you a check for a somewhat smaller amount. (They may not offer you the check. they prefer you to take cash which you can easily lose again before leaving the casino.)

    They will escort you to your car or to a taxi if you request an escort, even if your winings are modest.

  2. You are smart to be worried, it happens a lot more often than most people realize, and get underreported in the crime stats.

    What usually happens is that someone in the casino is watching the cashier cage for players who make big cashouts. They are usually part of a team, and will signal to other team members who will follow you out of the casino. It is their intent to rob you if possible.

    All casinos have security in place to watch for this, but it can be difficult for them to police everyone.

    The best thing to do if you have a big win is to ask for either a check or a "house account". Most of them can provide this.

    Absent the above, don't walk out of the casino back to your motel or hotel. You just won some money, use it!. Ask security to stick with you, call a cab, and take that back to your hotel.

  3. Usually cash only.  However, if you are worried about it and you win a substantial amount, I'm sure the casino would be happy to have a security guard escort you out..

  4. Generally the casino will not offer you a check, but you can ask for a check and probably receive one.  You can also ask for a wire transfer.  Just give them your bank account information.  

    If you are do not have all of the necessary information available at the moment you can deposit your winnings in the cage on account and draw it later or ask them to wire it to your bank.

    Checks should be free of charge.  Wire transfers will usually have a nominal processing charge.  

    If you have a favorite casino at which you play you can establish a credit line.  Talk to the cashier about a line of credit.  She will call a host for you to sign up.  In that way you can play the games, even slots, with money you borrow from the casino and pay it back when you leave.  The only money you would carry out would be what you won above your buy-in.  And, of course, the checks and wires are still available to you.

  5. We will give you cash or a cheque or we can even pay it directly to your bank account.

  6. The casino will offer to pay you by check if you have a big win, but it`s got to be a substantial amt. Ask, should you be so lucky, what their policy is as it may vary from casino to casino. Never walk anywhere with a roll of money in your purse or pocket, especially after dark. Play it safe, spent a bit of your winnings on a cab back to your hotel.

    My last decent hit was $1400 and they asked only what denomination bills I wanted. I was on a bus day trip, so it was no problem. The bus picked up at the main entrance.

  7. they give you a little ticket thing if you win over $100 and you go to the front and they give you however much money it says you won!

  8. When ever I have won a substantial amount of money($500.00 or more), I have never been offered a check or voucher. Casinos pay winnings in cash only to make it more likely for you to continue gambling.

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