
Do catholics have s*x like normal people?

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I was wondering im not catholic but i get the impression with society that catholics dont have s*x that often after they are married, and i am currently engaged to my fiancee who is a devoted catholic and i love him very much, i myself arnt a virgin but he is. And he is always talking about having s*x when u r going to hav a kid and it worries me alot that i wont b having it when we r married, am i going crazy or what?




  1. catholics do have s*x after marraige.  it is up to the both of you as too how much.  you just cant have swinger parties and drunken orgies.  And no animals.

  2. hmm i think no couple has that much s*x after they get married lol...

    butt ye theyy do have s*x

  3. They don't have s*x like normal people.

    They do in fact have s*x dressed up as priests and nuns.

    My advice dump him before he converts you.

    Good luck =) x

  4. My hubby and I are both catholic and yes we still have s*x (3-4times a week) even after three kids and almost 12 years of marriage.

    BTW we done not dress as nuns or priests either!!!!!

  5. Catholic s*x is better than regular s*x.

    Catholics understand how sacred and special s*x is.  We understand that s*x is a means of strengthening a marriage and that it invites God's grace into a marriage.  Catholics understand that s*x is a uniting of the bodies, hearts, and soul of two people that is capable of creating a new life.  In s*x, we cooperate with God in bringing new life into the world.

  6. We Catholics actually have great s*x after marriage. And that no-artificial-birth-control rule is kinda freeing, 'cause s*x really does feel better when you know that you and your partner both trust each other so much that, if you're not planning on children immediately, you can trust him to pull out on time, and even if you do end up pregnant before you're ready, you can trust your partner to be responsible about it and loving and caring, and you and your partner can both trust your church family as well to help out if you need it, both with prayers and, if you really need it, financially.

    What can I say? Catholics take care of their own and everybody else as well. It's part of how we're trying to break down the sad divisions that have been occurring over the past thousand years.

    A book that could really help you is "How to Survive Being Married to a Catholic." It gives you a great understanding of how Catholicism works in a format that's really easy to understand and even kind of fun to read. If you've got a Catholic bookstore nearby, you can probably find a copy there. If they don't have it, they'll probably order it for you, and so would any other book store, especially if you've got a Borders, since they're linked up to Amazon, which has it here.

    And yes, it covers Catholics and s*x.That's section 10. I bought it, myself, back when I was Pagan, after my husband and I got engaged and before I chose to convert.

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