
Do cats and dogs have menstrual periods?

by  |  earlier

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Is so, why don't we see evidence from our pets?




  1. you see evidence, thats what heat is.  and girl dogs and cats bleed.  weird to think about huh?

  2. yyuppppppp!

  3. Female dogs do bleed during their heat cycle. The average heat cycle for a dog is approximately 3 weeks and since this an an average, some heats are shorter (as little as 7-10 days), others are longer (4 weeks or more).

    Average times between heat periods is seven months but some dogs can cycle as early as every 4 months, some once a year.

    Female dogs does not bleed much although they will be some staining and most owners of unspayed female dogs will either use doggie diapers, a fitting clothing or others to avoid the blood to stain the furniture, carpeting or bedding. Some bleed very little and that is the reason why you don't see it - esp. if they are free to roam outdoors.

    Cats on the other hand goes into heat more often. The adult cat is seasonally polyestrus, cycling repeatedly (about every two to three weeks) throughout the breeding season (mid-January to August). However, unlike dogs, they are generally believe to not bleed - and they has been no evidence to show that they do. Mostly because a cat is always actively cleaning her genital areas and even if she did bleed, none is seen once she l**k it off.

    Hope this helps.

  4. yeah they do, the reason u dont see any evidence is because they learn to clean themselves and they do a really good job, dont put diapers on ur pets other wise they will never learn to clean themselves, the first couple of times it will be a little messy but they learn

  5. yes they do, bcuz usually the get neutered or spayed before it happens

  6. Yes they do. My beagle would actually have her period and I would have to put a doggie diaper on her. Thank god I got her neutered b/c I don't think I could handle that ever again.

  7. yes they do, but if you don't want a big mess, you would get them neutered.

  8. yeah, but if you adopt from places or even get from a breeder they fix them before you get them. so the menstrall cycle is impossible because most places when they fix a female take out the entire uterus wich is where the blood from a menstral cycle comes from.

  9. yes, but they usually get spayed or nutered before this happens :) (sorry i can't spell)

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