
Do cats bleed when they are on heat?

by  |  earlier

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I noticed some blood in my 5 month old kittens litter tray this morning, it was a little spot about the size of a 5 pence piece and bright red in colour. Do you think this may be a sign of her first heat or should I be worried that it is something else? She seems fine otherwise, just her usual mischievous self. Any advice would be great, thanks x




  1. They can, but often don't or bleed so little that it goes unnoticed.  The fact that it was in the litter makes it sound like it came out with something else and could be a sign of a problem.

    If she becomes much more affectionate and sticks her butt in the air when she's being petted, then there's a good chance she's in heat.

    Heat is not a kitty period.  Cats have a different reproductive cycle, they only ovulate after mating and if conditions are right and they don't get pregnant they can go into heat over and over again with very little time in between.  

    Keep an eye on her behavior and everything she leaves in the litter box.  Urinary tract infections and bloody diarrhea aren't uncommon.  If no other blood is found, her stool remains normal, and she appears to have no trouble peeing then it may just be an isolated incident.  But taking her to the vet is always the safest choice and she should be ready to be spayed.

  2. hello  

  3. she shouldnnt bleed cats do not bleed when in heat. you should take her to the vet she may have an infection good luck

  4. Yes they do. That's normal don't worry

  5. I would take her to the vets straight away, my kitten has been in season a few times now and she never bleeds.And with you saying she is her usual self dosnt sound like she is in season you would see a change in her if she was. good luck and keep us posted x

  6. My cat has been in heat twice and i have seen no blood whatsoever....I know dogs do when they are in heat but i do not think cats bleed.

  7. I think I just answered your other question...Well here's the answer I gave for that one!

    Cats can bleed when in heat, just like a human getting her period. Usually when a cat is in heat they'll get very affectionate and writhe around a lot, and they'll howl too. It's so annoying!

    Another thing to keep an eye out for would be a urinary tract infection. When a cat has a uti you'll find small spots of blood like that. The blood is actually bloody urine and it will be small spots like that because that's all they can really get out.

    When my cat had his uti, he'd just pee right in front of me to let me know something was wrong. Keep an eye on her and don't be afraid to take her to the vet just to get her checked out. If she's in heat, no problem but if it's a uti she could end up getting really sick! Better safe than sorry!!

  8. NO!!! any blood is a sign of something not good...cats do NOT bleed during heat if she is bleeding this is a sign of Pyometra!!! please have her seen by a vet TODAY!!! she could die within 24 hours from Pyometra so hurry and get her into the vet!!!

  9. sounds like a urine infection, feed her only wet food. if she eats dry, put a bit of water over it. this should help her get rid of the infection. good luck.

  10. O no!

    I have 5 cats the youngest often pee blood, she is very jumpy little 4 year old.

    Cats do not bleed when on heat. Dogs do.  Just take her to the vet it is bit worring.  The comen problem could be that she has a cictities which is comen even in a young cats.  It would be just a case of antibiotics and she be as good as new.  The only problem is that often the condition will be back.  Cystaitic is often also coused by stress in young cats.  In older cats it is more worring.  Do not panic, take her to the vet and she be good in no time.

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