
Do cats have anger management programs?

by  |  earlier

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My cat seems so angry she can go from nice to curl in a matter of seconds. We dont bother her. She comes up to us lovely and then she starts biting and scratching. I dont know what to do. Any suggestions would be appreciated.




  1. yeah! they're *******!

  2. I dont think so but maybe she is stressed about something, like did you move lately?  Or was she put into a new environment?

  3. Gave him lots of loving and don't forget about them catgrasses. Love is the best therepy and probably the only one you'll need for anything.

  4. I have lived in a house with 5 (non-spayed) female cats, but only 4 of them now, and one thing I have noticed is if the female is not spayed, she will act like that, but not all of them do. For instance I know calicos are mostly like that, the ones who need anger managment (LOL), and tortiouseshell colored cats are the sweetest things even when they grow up. So if you have a calico, chances are YES she has an angermanagment problem, if not one then maybe its just what comes along with the "female kitty" hormones, if she's not spayed get her fixed, she may change! A bad thing to do would get her a friend, if she's been the only one for along time then she will NOT like having a friend cat, thats how most of them are if they've been the only one for along time.

  5. I don't know if there is a medical reason for her actions, but it might be worth checking out. Does she, for example, get angry if you touch her in a certain place? Cat's do seem to have anger problems anyway, and they can turn for no reason other than that they are bored or feel cross, even the weather can upset them. The other problem could be jealousy. Our cat adores my mum and would never hurt her, but because she knows how much I love my dog, she attacks me, biting, scratching and wrapping herself round my legs. Your cat may be angry, but I would guess she is bored. Maybe she likes the reaction she gets.

  6. kill it I ment put it to sleep

  7. She may seem like it if she is not spayed.

  8. That cat is retarded. Let it go there's plenty of nice, smart cats that need homes.

  9. Well is she fixed?  Sometimes if females aren't then they become aggressive.

  10. yes they do mostly female cats have anger managements programs

  11. h**l... YEA

  12. get her spayed or get her a playmate

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