
Do cats need light or even sunlight or do they go blind?

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my friend told me if her cats do not get sunlight or light in any form they will go blind. is that true or false.




  1. Your friend might have heard the fact that, if a kitten is not exposed to light in the first 3 weeks after birth, they will turn blind (scientificly proven)

    Otherwise, cat are mainly nocturn creature that sees almost as good in the dark than under the sun. But they cannot see in pitch black though. They need a bit of light in order to see in the dark. Not much though.

    If a cat is not expose to sunlight and  plunge in the dark for a long period of time, his eyes will surely, just like ours, become very intolerent to sunlight.

    Hope it helps.

  2. I think that's false.  Cats are primarily nocturnal creatures and thier eyes are developed to be best adaptable in low light environments.  My cat for example is always running around at night and asleep during most of the day. This doesn't mean that they can necessarily "see in the dark."  Like most animals, they still require some form of a light source to see.

  3. All animals need light to develop vision it is the way the neurological system develops.  Any animal raised in complete darkness will not develop the ability to perceive light and develop detailed visual skills.  This does not mean they have to be out of doors, they simply can not be in complete darkness.  Hope this helps.

  4. I've never heard of a cat going blind.

    I know that they don't grow at the average rate tho' when they are not introduced to the sunlight.

  5. of course and no

  6. LOL..... cats need sunlight and I have never heard that a cat going blind cause of no sunlight...

  7. Who told you that???

    Cats are nocternal... their ancestors slept all day and hunted all night...

    They go blind from being fed wrong food.

    They need a mineral (it starts with a T / but I can't remember the name right now)

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