
Do cats tend to go off to die privately?

by  |  earlier

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I have an ancient cat that has not been seen for a couple days. It has never wandered before. I was thinking that perhaps it had found a dark and private place to die, as some animals do, but I don't know if cats tend to do that.




  1. All the cats I have known have done this. Mind you 2 days is not long one cat when I was a kid used to go away for weeks at a time

  2. It is instinctual because they don't want to be hunted in their weak state. They are not meaning to die alone but they would rather be alone than be susceptible to torment by other larger animals. Inside animals tend to die with the family because of the large amount of trust and they will lay with you til their last breath. Mine always did. It just depends on the situation and the environment. If there are other animals then they find a safehouse for themselves until they get well or die. I have had cats wander off though bc someone else was feeding them or picked them up. Sometimes they get hit by cars and never come home. That has happened to me a lot. If it has never been outside before then maybe it's just overwhelmed and checking things out. Cats are notorious for disappearing for days-especially males. They run around the neighborhood cking things out. Good luck. I hope you find him or her.

  3. unfortuantly yes, cats do this. How old is ancient? I hope you find him. good luck.

  4. Yes they tend to hide in dark spaces when they're not feeling well. If he/she isn't eating or drinking water that's a tell tell sign as well.

  5. Yes, they do.  I had a cat show up in my garden for a few days, that seemed to be looking for a quiet place to go.  I'm sorry for the loss of your pet.

  6. I have heard that they do.  I know that one of my aunt's cats did.  :-/  I've never had a cat do it, but we never let ours outside.  Well, we don't anymore.  A couple of cats I had as a child were hit by cars, and since then, only indoor kitties.  I'm sorry if your kitty passed :(

  7. Cats tend to go off on their own or hide when they are unwell.  Animals have an instinct to be alone when they are sick because flaws or weakness in the wild is an invitation to predators.

    I hope you find your kitty.

  8. yes.

    im not sure they know they are going to die, i think they just know they are sick, so they find a dark quite place to hide from predators.

    cats seldom go into a deep sleep, they just nap. when sick, they want to go into a deep sleep, like humans. if they hide, they dont have to worry about not hearing a predator approach.

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