
Do cell phones need to be periodically "restarted" as we do computers?

by  |  earlier

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In the past, as part of troubleshooting a problem, the tech has told me to power off for a few seconds and back on.

Other than troubleshooting as I described above, is there any reason to power your phone off and on?





  1. Not Restared But U Should Take Out The Battery 5 minutes every 2 weeks

    That will Refresh Ur Cell Phone

    And Sometimes it works as  troubleshooting

  2. Unless you're saving power, as so few peopel do with mobiles, then no. A mobile phone has a much simpler operating system that a PC or a Mac, they don;t have a much going on inside their tiny frames and therefore don't need restarted as often, if at all.

  3. I dunno I just got a new fancy cell-phone for my birthday.. I have yet to figure out how to put music on it

  4. lucky for me,mine came with 2 batteries...I just switch them out once a week....want my # for proof ;)


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