
Do certain police officers follow around specific groups of people ?

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the school cop at my middle school(im in high school now), tends to always be the one to follow me and my friends around. a couple of my friend have been getting into trouble and when they get arrested i always her "officer ____ arrested me" or "officer ____ searched me"




  1. You need new friends before you get arrested.

  2. Over time it's usually the same people doing the same crimes, it only changes when they have kids.

  3. Most officers know who is who(m) at the school, especially after they have been there on duty assignment for a year.

    Players, shakers and rakers.

  4. To answer your question, YES. They follow criminals. If your friends are getting arrested then the officer is doing exactly what he is paid to do, catch criminals.

  5. Honey I think that you have answered your own question.

    so yep they do, and by your mates say "Officer......arrested me, well it's obviously a need to for some reason.

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