
Do certain trees produce more oxygen than others?

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if so when companies log forrests, do they replant the better of the two? where i live it seems they take the oaks and maples and replant evergreens.




  1. I am not sure about each species, but I know new growth trees produce more oxygen than old growth.

  2. Yes, big trees produce more O2 than small trees.

    No. Evergreens grow faster and can be used for paper making, getting replanted in the process. Oak and maple, etc. are probably sold for furniture use. They take a looong time to grow enough to be useful size.

  3. The worst, believe it or not, are eucalyptus, which actually emit voc's (volatile organic chemicals) into the air.  Other than that, the more trees you can plant ther better.  Oaks and maples grow slowly, a reason people do not like to plant them.  Evergreens, generally grow more quickly.  It is geograph dependant, so go to your nursery for advise.

  4. trees do not produce oxigen as such they consume carbon and leave the oxigen that is in the air for us

    the best tree in the world for carbon absorbsion is called the Pawlonia .wich is a very fast growing tree with huge leaves

    ,the world bank pays generous subsedies for farmers who reforrest with this tree

    it can be cut for timber after 4 or 6 years ,and regrows from the bottom ,as well as produces new shoots from the roots

    to replant with mono cultures for timber is almost just as bad as cutting the trees down,

    we call them living desserts ,because there is hardly any wild life in these plantation ,and they are very vulnerable to plagues ,and an intense demand of the soil by a singular specie destroys /tires ,the soil in no time

    ,taking  the same chemical from the soil all over, and poluting the soil with the same chemical output

    healthy forrest consist of very diverse flora ,which results in diverse insect devellopment and all of the fauna that follows is diverse as well and produces a rich soil, because the demands and what the trees produce is diverse as well

  5. I don't know, but have you tried checking wikipedia?

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