
Do cheap pregnancy test work as well as the more expensive fancy name ones?

by  |  earlier

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I bought a bundle of cheap tests off

I was just wondering if anyone would recommend using these or am i better just payin the price for clear blue etc?

Thanks x*x




  1. cheap ultra sensitive one from ebay didnt tell me i was pregnant 3 days after my period was due, but the boots one did.... so i dont trust the cheap ones

  2. It's not the test, as much as when you take the test. You can save your money and use the less expensive tests with the same accuracy or better if you wait to test 7 days after a missed or short period. Pregnancy test with the first morning urine. It is also good to begin to pay attention to the signs that your body will be giving you if you are pregnant. Best wishes, G

  3. I bought the ones from the dollar store for a buck......

    A 1 dollar pregnancy picked up the hormone and I was 5 weeks along......

  4. i bought two of mine fromt e dollar store.

    then got two more at walmart.

    all showed the same happy positive :)

    then i went to a pregnancy test center

    Positive too

    30 wks & 3 days! with my first...

    I dont think price has anything to do with some....but then again SOME are more likely to read positive when they are faulty...

    And i dont trust DIGiTAL ones either..too many ERRORS pop up.

  5. they are all the same....if you have the homone in your doesnt matter how cheap or expensive the pregnancy test is....

    take care!

  6. I did the same thing and bought a load of cheap tests online. They worked fine for me!

  7. The expensive ones may be more sensitive if you're testing early, but no, they are all the same.

  8. the dollar store kind are sometimes more sensitive than the name brand ones.  the ones I just got from the dollar store listed on the box their sensitivity as 25 miu.

  9. I think the cheapest ones are the most accurate!  Before I conceived, I bought all my ovulation predictor kits and home pregnancy tests from ebay - you can buy in bulk and save heaps of money.  The HPT's I bought were 15 mlU/ml sensitive, which is more sensitive than some of the more expensive brands from a chemist, and I tested positive on 7 days past ovulation!  


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