
Do chickens believe that God made chickens in His own image?

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Do chickens believe that God made chickens in His own image?




  1. I'm guessing in this chicken religion Cornel Sanders is the devil?

  2. Chickens are creatures that function totally on reaction and instinct.  In other words, they don't "believe" anything.


  3. We don't speak of the chickens.

    Especially not to the bipeds.

  4. of course they would. just like how humans think god created man in his image.

    "if horses had a god, it would be a horse."


    just look around at the religioins of the world. they fit in with the people from that culture. hindu gods for example are brown, the christian god is white, the buddhist god is asian (even though in real life he was indian), it goes on.

  5. The better questions are, Are chickens aware of themselves being chickens? Are chickens conscious of themselves?

  6. Lord Krishna says: to the swans I appear as a swan, to the cows I appear as a cow.  How can they comprehend anything else?

    Works for me.

  7. Yershuh!!!  Cermplete werth er side erv gravy n mashed taters n coshlaw n cobbed corn n er biskert with er warm melterd butter, mmmhmmm.  Deeelerrrshus.

  8. LOL...

    Yes God is one BIG chicken...

    he's scared of that evil looking Pope... that's why he doesn't come to Earth again.

  9. Good point.  He must not be a very powerful god.  I bet he is tasty, though.

  10. Chickens are ascended beings working for the Scientologist's Marcab conspiracy.  They are too advanced to need simple things like beliefs.  

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