
Do chicks dig skaters and snowboarder?

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just curious




  1. girls tend to move away from skaters but sometimes thing snowboarders are cute.

  2. ****yeah

  3. hellz yeah!

    *AT LEAST I DO!!!*

    lol ;)

    they're so freaken hotttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. girl who like them tend to like both- i like snowboarders MORE but i still like skater guys too

    why?- cuz most guys that board/skate have AMAZING personalities- they are more laid back and realaxed and fun and funny and cute and listen to you and awsome and open and did i mention cute (in the personality cute way)

    they just are awsome all around most of the time IMO

    <3 o^.^o <3

    ive meet so many awsome people snowboarding cuz everyone looks out for eachother and if:

    one of my best guy friends: Drake

    we met at a local cascade- i was trying to do some tricks off a jump and fell really hard he came over to help me and he taught me the trick and we ended up hanging out the rest of the night and he lived in the town like next to myne and now we are awsome friends! snowboarding is where i met some awsome friends:

    melissa, kyle, april, naomi, johnny, james, stacy, aunica, tom, kurt, john, josh, tyler, rachel, and alot of others

  5. heck yea cause im a sk8er and the chicks are all over me

  6. It depends on the girl. A lot of us do, but some of us don't. Don't try to be something because you think chicks will dig you, we usually find that fake and player-ish.

  7. i have no clue. i think so because they think skaters or snowboarders are daredevils

  8. No, the only chicks that like them are the ones that like to give blumpkins.

  9. Im going to say yea as long as you are good.

  10. chicks dig all guys in sports!! :)

  11. As long as your good.. h**l YEA

    i'm a snowboard instructor and girls are all over me

  12. oh my god. skaters are friggin hot.

  13. if ur good.. when i bust my f/s 7 tails the girls are all over me!! haha jk

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