
Do children forget fast at 5 years old?

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My Son is 5years old, and he seems to be forgeting stuff easliy that he learns in 5 minutes, and due to him paying constant attention to what we are saying he becomes bored ad he is becoming doubtful. What can I do to build up his delf esteem and ecouragement that what he is saying and doing is correct and not to doubt himself. His spelling , clouring everything is perfect. Is something wrong with him




  1. He may have a touch of ADD (attention deficit disorder), however your pediatrician would be able to confirm that. Our pediatrician did tell us (our son has ADD) that self-esteem problems are something ADD kids can also have, so if I were you I would go ahead and get him tested and work with your doctor on ways to work around the ADD and build up his self-esteem.

  2. Give the young fellow some space and let him build his own self esteem.Boys don't need or respond well to constant encouragement and feel good talk.If he's acting like he has a low opinion about his accomplishments and acts doughtful this is probably how he is use to interacting with you and thinks this is a way to get affection.He's doing it mostly for you. He knows if he gets it right he gets  attention and if he gets it  wrong just start acting gloomy and get even more attention its wonder he'll try to learn anything. Let him build his own self-opinion by giving him a little space to mess up.once in awhile. Sincerly:MKEN

  3. Does he watch a lot of tv or play video games, this could be it.  My daughter is almost four and her attention span is getting worse.  Try setting a time limit and a special time to ready books together and play games, such as board games and critical thinking games.  Try to be consistant, easier said than done, but worth it.  Calendar it if need be.  Good Luck!

  4. yes

  5. I still forget stuff!! He's not the only one! Good Luck!

  6. He's pretty normal, like someone said, they forget things almost instantly. Unless of course, the sentence includes 'candy' or 'zoo'. Then they remember forever that you promised them....

    What has worked well is using a short sentence to ask something, and then one word prompts. For example 'Son, I need you to hang your coat.' Okay Mom...and then on the way he's distracted by a hot wheel on the floor. "Son...Coat." Oh sure mom.

    As they get older, it gets better. Although sometimes my husband needs the one word reminder. ;-)

  7. Actually, they become more forgetful as teenagers, lol!

  8. He's five..he has an attention span of a monkey. Just keep teaching him and reading him books, he'll learn to become more interested in education.

  9. He is only 5 yrs old make games for learning. Let him go to the library and pick some books out and start reading to him.  Let him read the work "AND or THE" in the books and he will start remembering them.

  10. I've recognized a certain phenomena from spending so much time around small children. They soak up huge amounts of information memorizing their name, phone number, alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, additional languages. They're little sponges for all the information we want to pass along until they hit five or six years old and then it's almost like their brain resets and they start to forget what used to come so easily. I'm not sure why this happens. It might be the constant bombardment of information once they start school. The same way people say not to make a career out of your hobby because you'll lose all passion for it. I wouldnt worry about your sons mental capacity or rush to medicate him for ADD. Try easing up on the importance of him "getting it", but put the emphasis on craving the information, how much fun it is to learn new things.

  11. nothing is wrong its been told that kids at this age (especially boys) have a side of them that seems to be more caught up in the moment of all the new and exciting info they have tken in throgh out the day.. Also its not that there is something wrong of you think  hes getin alzhiemers at age 5 its that they just often get confused  and really kids  dont get a sense of time till ages 8-9  .  For example: do something cool with your kid like ice cream day , i gaurentee you in a week he will say can we have ice cream day like  we did Yesterday??

    ( it was last week)..... of do you ever get that quote you know mom remember when we went to the park last year a>  and as far as you know you went to the park around 1 week ago.   Thus your child id not loosin his babanas.... Just be patient and reward thigs that hes doing encourage him and offer him your undivied  attention if possible in a quite setting good light and minimal play, it may help him homework. hope i could help... Harmony

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