
Do children get harder or easier as they get older?

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I'm a 22 year old single mother of a 4 month old baby boy. Everyone says THIS is the easy part, when they are small like this. I always thought this was the hard part, lol. I know once they become mobile and they begin to talk the situation changes! They probably wear their parents out more! What do you think?? I can't wait til he starts sleeping through the night! That will be the best day of my life!! =)




  1. oh it gets harder as they grow just wait till they get into the terrible twos and i mean it is terrible  

  2. i don't think you can say easier or harder. when he gets older (like 2) he will be able to eat, and talk and walk, but you have a whole new set of things you need to do for them. all the ages and stages of babies/kids/and teens is different and i think you cant say this is easier or harder because they are so different

  3. Things change.  There are certainly some ages that are 'easy' and some that are more challenging.  And the 'easy' parts and 'challenging' parts change as baby gets older.

    I have a 16 year old.  It isn't easy.  

  4. Oh what I wouldn't give for my daughter to be 4 months old again! I miss the days I could lay her in one spot and she'd still be there half an hour later. Situations changing once they become mobile is an understatement. My 17 month old gets into EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING! Today, I had to scrub Pentaten cream out of the carpets because she ate some and rubbed it in. And trying to keep her out of cupboards and away from hot things is a nightmare. And my god, her tantrums are nasty. It's the terrible two's and she's not even a year and a half yet!

    It's the fun age, but the worst age at the same time. I'm sure it gets easier once they're out of the exploratory, curious toddler stage, but I have yet to find out.

    Next up: Motherhood with a toddler and a newborn. And I'm 22 as well.

  5. it varies on the child

  6. Some aspects they get easier you no longer have to feed them *just cook for them*, don't have to change poopie diapers, don't have to give them baths, or clean up after them *for the most part*...but then you have the Attitude most teens give you, wanting you to pay for phones and Ipods and prom, and dates..then you have to worry about them having s*x and trying to make sure they are not doing things illegal

  7. It gets harder with age. The older they are, the harder it gets. I personally found the ages of 13 thru 17 to be the hardest. Many, many more things to worry about, hormones raging, peer pressures to deal with, boy and girlfriend troubles, friend trouble, drinking and drugs to pray about, driving, etc........the list could go on and on. The teen years are very difficult. Even if you have a really great kid, they still face many issues.  

  8. Parenting is as easy a you allow it to be, every child is different so every parents experience is going to be different. there are going to be many best days of your life as it relates to your child.  good luck  

  9. He's going to be easy to manage now. When he reaches about the two's, he is going to get a little difficult. Around the time he becomes six, things will be a little easier. Then around 13, things will be a little harder, just because of hormones. Finally, around the time he is going to move out, you two will get along great.

  10. with every milestone comes new experiences, it all evens out in every stage

  11. It depends, sometimes the older one is harder because they won't lishen to you and maybe do those bad stuff. But sometimes the younger one because they are not responsible and they might get hurt or something.

  12. There are going to be challenges at every age :) When they are babies and don't sleep, and they cry and you don't know what they is definetly fustrating! Then when they get to be around 2 and 3 they start to want to do everything themselves...this is also hard to handle. Then you have the school years and oh boy....then the teenage years! But you also have to remember there are such joys at each of these ages as well, like the first smile, and giggle, thier first steps and first words. All the cuteness of the toddler years. The first day of school, their first friends.....and so on for every negitive I could think of 100 or more postive things at each age. Don't worry about what is the hardest age, just enjoy every second of your child! Good Luck to you :)

  13. As for my experience it gets harder.

  14. It definitely gets harder. When they're babies you control so much. They depend on you and you alone. As they grow older they make their own decisions, some of which can be very bad decisions. And as they become teens, they're out and about more and you find yourself worrying more than you ever did when they were infants...especially when they begin to drive.

  15. They go through stages.

    It's easy now because you know where they are but it's easier later because they'll sleep through the night and can pour their own milk!

    Seriously, though, each stage of a child's life has it's own set of challenges. One stage isn't necessarily any harder or easier than another.

    Right now I have a crying 5 month old wanting to be held, an adorable 17 month old playing with her toys quietly on the floor, and a trio of school-agers raising heck in the living room, and a teenager cleaning the bathroom.

    Tomorrow it might be the other way around.

    And now I have to get back to that baby!

  16. I say when they get older they're easier.

  17. it depends they could be quite a noisy child and be more independent as they grow up or they could be a perfect child and be quite and be more hormonal as they grow. it depends on how you raise them  

  18. idk, but if u ask my step dad, he will say it gets harder cus he has the opinion of a jack a** and he is a jerk to me and my sister (not my half sister)

  19. I can't give a good answer based on experience since my oldest is only 3 1/2 but I can tell you that, for me, a 2 year old is a million times easier than a 4 month old (and it gets easier, in general, every day).  I think they get easier when they get more independent and then get harder again as teenagers.

  20. Different stages-different things you have to worry about.

    It is never easy-

    good luck

  21. Every age has it's challenges. Take your baby for example- the hard part right now is his dependence on you for everything, not sleeping through the night, etc. The easy part is not having the temper tantrums, the "I do it myself!" attitude (which is a good thing, but difficult to deal with at, etc.

    I have a 3 1/2 year old. The easy part is that she's learning to do things for herself, so she's less dependent on me for everything- plus she can verbally tell me what she wants so I don't have to figure out what her crying means, etc. The hard part is the attitude, tantrums, etc. that toddlers go through.

    As your baby gets older, though, you'll know him better and it won't be such a guessing game as to what he wants or needs.  

  22. It is hard when they are so little. It is easy for some and hard for others. All in all it is never easier, it is just different stages and learning how to deal with new stages. You will always have trials and difficulties, but it's all worth it. I mean yes eventually you will sleep again through the night, which is nice , but like I said , always new challenges. I have a 14 yr. old and a 5 yr. old. NO it doesn't get easier, it is all a roller coaster, but like I said, there is nothing more fulfilling then watching your children grow. Cherish every moment. I remember my 14 yr. old not sleeping through the night as a baby, and it seems not long ago at all, the next thing you know they are teens, what is really really hard is them growing up and not   wanting to be around you as much, i can't imagine when they move out. Enjoy your baby, they grow soooo fast. My 5 yr. old started Kindergarten, I miss her so much in the day time. If you absolutely need some sleep, ask a parent or relative to watch the baby so you can get a nap.

  23. The hardest part is either infancy or when they're about 2. The terrible twos. Many children constantly lie, throw unexpected fits, and always make a scene. Some are worse than others though. But once they're six or seven, they're fine... and once they're ten they're even better.

  24. Harder. Much, much harder. I would have liked it if my kids stayed immobile and mute.  

  25. I was told once:  It doesn't get easier, just different.

    It's true.

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