
Do children go to school in Jamaica or do they work?

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Do children go to school in Jamaica or do they work?




  1. I can't believe this question. I am wondering what the asker is thinking about Jamaica and even know about Jamaica.

    As a general rule children around the world "in developing countries" do go to school.

  2. we just came back from a jamaica trip and we saw lots of young children in school uniforms.

  3. As a general rule children GO TO SCHOOL. There will be many cases of kids in underprevilaged areas , who will have to work in the afternoons, but this isnt a generally accepted norm. When it reaches the point where a child actually has to miss school to work then it is SCORNED upon even in ghettos. Thats not ok at all.

  4. Thats a dumb question. Have you ever seen Jamaica's name under the list of countries where child labour is prevalent. yes you do have poor children who help out their parents AFTER school but yes we DO go to school here why do you think we are so smart?

    Newsflash Jamaican people aren't lesser humans than those living in other countries.

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