
Do children have to have a TB test to start school?

by Guest63774  |  earlier

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My son is 4 and my daughter is 2 1/2. Do they have to have a TB test on record on their immunization card to start daycare or preschool or kindergarten?




  1. In michigan it is not a state law and anyone can sign a waiver that you are not vaccinating. The people who work in the school system act like bullies about it, like you are going to get in trouble or something, but you DO NOT have to.

  2. depends on the district policies

    however, i don't believe they need TB tests

    BUT be sure to be up to date on ALL immunizations

    it's really important

    i'm only not sure about the TB test b/c i know it's not necessary here in Colorado.

    however, if you are going to be teaching or in the medical field you need one yearly

    i didn't have my first one til I was 16 and was WORKING in daycare

    i say check with the individual pre-school first and kindergarten

  3. some you may have to it's the law

    but others you can op-out because of religious beliefs

    check with the nurse at the school your child would be going to

  4. If your school district has a Web site, check the health requirements there or call the office. My daughter's school district makes TB testing a requirement.

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