
Do chimpanzees open bannanas with their hands or teeth?

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Do chimpanzees open bannanas with their hands or teeth?




  1. It all depends on the individual.  It also depends on the individual on who eats what.

    Some open them with their teeth, some with their hands, some do not give a c**p and just eat it.  Some will eat the peals, some wont.  

    Side note, out of all our animals, our one moose loves them the most.  Our primates have other favorites, not including nanners.

  2. They do both.  But, contrary to popular belief, they don't "peel" the banana like we do.  They usually just break it in half and pull it apart with their teeth and eat the inside.  All the greater apes do this, like the Gorillas and Orangutans.

    Do you know what their "favorite food" is in the zoo?  Believe it or not, it's "onions".  They just love onions.  They're crazy about honey too, which the Orangutans will hold in their lower lip for a long time as they savor the taste.

  3. How do you open your bananas? That's how a chimp opens them :)

  4. lips and hands...

  5. Hiya !

    They usually grasp the banana at both ends - and tear the skin open with their teeth to get at the fleshy parts inside.

    Hope this helps !

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