
Do chinchillas clean themselves by l*****g and chewing at their hair like a cat would?

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I know they use dust, but mine has been acting like a cat lately lol. Could there be something wrong with his skin or hair?




  1. mine do that too and its really normal. but if there really knawing at there fur and you see fur missing then bring them to a vet.

  2. Yeah, it's pretty normal. The fur chewing isn't as normal, but depending on how much it is most likely fine.

    Chins dust bath to get rid of oils and what not, but sometimes they groom like a cat would by l*****g themselves. It's all normal, and you have nothing to worry about :)

    Just enjoy the cuteness of watching it!

  3. It is normal unless they are chewing their hair too much.... Barbering (Hair Chewing)

    This occurs when chinchillas chew on their own or anther's fur resulting in a rough, moth-eaten appearing coat. Some of the underlying causes of this include boredom, dirty fur, dietary imbalances and hereditary factors. Providing the animals with chew toys helps decrease the incidence.

    It can also be a sign of pain or stress. It can not hurt the chinchilla but you should still see a vet to be certain that there is not an underlying factor going on. Also make sure the cage has at least one hut (hideaway) per chinchilla and sufficient room in the cage as well for exercise and relief of boredom.

  4. There may be a reason why it is no longer using the dust.

    I've never had this happen so I would have it checked out!

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