
Do chinese girls get offended by the portrayal by the media about them?

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i h8 the fact that i can't have a chinese girlfriend, mainly because of the media's portrayal about chinese girls or infact chinese people. besides, chinese girls in general will never get the same respect like the non-chinese girls.




  1. Dude,

    DO NOT confuse Americanized Chinese girls with the real deal.

    WHo cares what the media thinks or does. They are lairs and we all know it.

    and dont confuse teh Chinese government with its people, they are completely different

    They make the best wives.

    I know I have one

  2. why should that stop you from dating a chinese girl?

  3. chinese girls are  smart and talent.

    mass media excel in offering unrealistic information.shame~~~

  4. The problem is not the media, it's YOU! If you allow yourself to be swayed by the media or if you're concerned about what others might think of you dating a Chinese, then don't!

    I'm a Chinese married to a Caucasian. I never get offended by how Chinese girls are protrayed in the media. The more we're attacked or looked down upon, the more it shows how ignorant and insecure or jealous the attackers are. I have better things to do than jumping up and down at every hostile comment.

    If you don't feel you can stand up for a Chinese girlfriend, do not date one. It's as simple as avoid doing something you know you won't be good at.

  5. If they are truly "Chinese" they won't have a self esteem problem. They have a strong culture, the Chinese culture has been around a lot longer than many others. The only Chinese women with esteem problems are the ones that want to be someone else.

    Book 4:17 "When we see men of worth. we should think of equaling them; when we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves."— Confucius


    The media makes them appear beautiful s**y and smart. Why would Chinese women object to that image?

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